Our love and passion for raising genetically superior deer has driven us to be a leader in combating devastating diseases like CWD (Cronic Wasting Disease). Our genetic program has been speciically designed to raise CWD resistant deer.
Adding to this, all of our scent collections are sent out to be tested using the highly advance RT-QuIC test standard developed. This ensures that all of our scents are cleared for use.
If you would like to learn more about CWD, we have provided information from the leading experts.
CWD prions have been detected in whitetail deer urine, but only under unnatural conditions when concentrated well beyond what occurs naturally. This misleadingly points to urine as a transmission point. Research shows that urine is the least likely carrier of CWD prions.
The EXPERTS believe deboned meat and tissues of the digestive system (stomach, intestines) contain up to 100,000 times more CWD prions than found in urine. The brain, carcass (particularly if the carcass contains a brain), and lymphoid tissue contain an exponentially higher number of CWD prions, believed to be 1 million times more.
Blood, saliva and feces are regarded as having low levels of prions. The EXPERTS with over 50 years of collective research knowledge in whitetail health, consider urine the lowest risk for transmitting CWD.

Harry Jacobsen, PhD
Harry has over 40 years reasearching captive and free-range deer.
Professor Emeritus | Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture Mississippi State University

Davin M. Henderson, PhD
Davin is a research scientist at the Prion Research Center.
Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology Colorado State University

Nicholas Haley DVM, PhD
Nicholas has over 10 years experience workign with CWD in deer and elk.
CWD prions have been detected in whitetail deer urine, but only under unnatural conditions when concentrated well beyond what occurs naturally. This misleadingly points to urine as a transmission point. Research shows that urine is the least likely carrier of CWD prions.
The EXPERTS believe deboned meat and tissues of the digestive system (stomach, intestines) contain up to 100,000 times more CWD prions than found in urine. The brain, carcass (particularly if the carcass contains a brain), and lymphoid tissue contain an exponentially higher number of CWD prions, believed to be 1 million times more.
Blood, saliva and feces are regarded as having low levels of prions. The EXPERTS with over 50 years of collective research knowledge in whitetail health, consider urine the lowest risk for transmitting CWD.
FACT 1: The chance of bottled urine transmitting CWD is viturally ZERO.
FACT 2: CWD in urine can not be detected without amplification.
Urine from even clinically sick deer must be highly concentrated in order to produce enough prions to test. The popularly referenced study for CWD in deer required a dosage of urine concentrated TEN TIMES GREATER than normal and had to be injected DIRECTLY INTO THE BRAIN.
FACT 3: Even under experimental conditions that were extremely unnatural, ONLY 1 IN 10 subjects proved infected.
(Haley NJ, Seelig DM, Zabel MD, Telling GC, Hoover EA (2009) Detection of CWD Prions in Urine and Saliva of Deer by Transgenic Mouse Bioassay. PLoS ONE 4(3): e4848. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0004848)
FACT 4: The Deer Protection Programs exceeds USDA standards.
• Greater monitoring for more thorough testing
• Closed to animal importation/severely restricted exportation
• Double fences to prevent interaction between captive and wild herds
• Annual facility and herd inspections
Participating urine providers must be whole herd certified participants in good standing in the Federal APHIS CWD program and/or related state programs. This ensures that participating providers have at least a 5-year history of no positive CWD findings within their herds.
FACT 5: The 11 participating facilities have been in business much longer than five years and none have ever had a positive CWD finding.
FACT 6: Participating urine providers undergo annual inspections from an accredited veterinarian.
This includes a review of animal records, state and federal documents, an inspection of the perimeter fencing and physical review of 20% of the herd. Additionally, every third year will include a 100% physical inspection of the herd.
FACT 7: Urine-based scents from the Deer Protection Program participants are essentially triple-insulated from CWD:
1 . Due to the inherently low risk of urine transmitting CWD.
2. 100% monitoring for CWD at the urine collection facilities further reduces any possible risk.
3. Additional requirements of the Deer Protection Program that go beyond USDA standards takes the risk to VIRTUALLY ZERO.
FACT 8: RT-QuIC is a next-generation testing technology that offers the most sensitive detection available for CWD.
Urine tested for CWD with RT-QuIC is certified to have no detectable levels of CWD and ensures that products with the RT-QuIC tested logo are safe for wildlife.